Grant <> wrote:

> My unattended daily system maintenance procedure is like this:
> layman -S
> emerge --sync
> emerge -pvDuN world
> emerge -pv --depclean
> eclean -p distfiles
> eclean -p packages
> And then attended like this:
> emerge -DuN world
> revdep-rebuild
> etc-update
> elogv
> emerge --depclean
> eclean distfiles
> eclean packages
> Am I missing any good stuff?
> - Grant

The first depclean is redundant, you haven't updated anything so it won't show 
anything useful. I only run depclean and revdep-rebuild weekly,I don't see a 
need to routinely do it more often, especially on slower systems. I do run 
eix-update and eix-update-remote after my daily sync.I run eix-test-obsolete 
from the weekly cron script.

Frequent cleaning of packages is not a good idea IMO, I like to keep the old 
veraions around for at least a few days, in case something unpleasant shows up 
and I want to roll back.

I also have portage mail elog messages to me, so I don't bother with elogv.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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