Hi list, 

Suppose that I tried to emerge a package, and the compilation phase
went through without problems, but it got stopped in the installation
phase. Is there a way to (after I fixed the problem) to tell portage
to install the (now all already compiled binaries sitting in
/var/tmp/portage) directly without having to redo the compiling phase? 

Case in point:

I just tried to update dev-lib/boost to 1.52. The compilation went
without a hitch, but the installation died because of file collision
against (I think) boost-1.49.0-r1000. Now that the colliding files are
no longer there, is there a way to tell portage to go ahead an install
boost-1.52 from the compiled sources in /var/tmp/portage ?


Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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