On Fri, 7 Dec 2012 16:56:18 -0800, Grant wrote:

> > @preserved-rebuild is getting very good at what it does lately
> > (supported in all recent portage version including stable IIRC), as is
> > --depclean, so revdep-rebuild seldom finds anything to do these days.

> If revdep-rebuild does everything that @preserved-rebuild does and more,
> why run @preserved-rebuild at all?

revdep-rebuild repairs a system broken by updates. @preserved-rebuild
prevents updates breaking the system by emerge not removing old versions
of libraries until nothing needs them. If you don't run it, those old
libraries will remain forever.

revdep-rebuild is a kludge, a useful, valuable and previously essential
kludge, but a kludge nonetheless. Not needing it is a good thing.

Neil Bothwick

Taglines are like cars - You get a good one, then someone nicks it.

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