iptables has an "extensions" use flag which you may or may not need
depending on what the firestarter scripts do.

After installing modules, you need to run modules-update to get the
modules database sorted out.  This may fix the symbol error.  In some
cases, you need to reboot into the new kernel as the symbols in the
running kernel and new modules may be out of sync.


On Mon, 2005-08-29 at 19:44 -0400, John Dangler wrote:
> I emerged firestarter (during which I got iptables), and forgot that I
> didn't have iptables emerged prior.  I went into the kernel and selected (as
> the doc I found suggests) all of the options as modules under iptables. (The
> doc also says that if they are compiled as modules, I didn't need to
> reboot).
> I did add iptables to /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 (for subsequent
> rebooting).
> modprobe ip_tables results in:
> FATAL: Error inserting ip_tables
> (/lib/modules/2.6.12-gentoo-r9/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko):
> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter.
> dmesg produces - 
> ip_tables: disagrees about version of symbol skb_copy_files
> ip_tables: Unknow symbol skb_copy_bits
> ip_tables: Unknown symbol nf_register_sockopt
> ip_tables: ip_tables: Unknown symbol nf_unregister_sockopt
> ip_tables: Unknown symbol nf_unregister_sockopt
> (I just found another doc that says to ONLY modprobe IF you haven't built
> this as a module)
> DOH!
> I went back into the kernel config and removed all but the essential options
> for iptables... (just iptables module) and rebuilt the kernel
> A reboot (aside from losing my wireless), produced an error on boot loading
> iptables.
> no other text in dmesg points to the problem.
> John D
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