On 24/01/13 21:15, Florian Philipp wrote:
Am 24.01.2013 18:57, schrieb Jacques Montier:
2013/1/24 microcai <micro...@fedoraproject.org
     >>>> Libreoffice-4.0 needs boost > 1.49 (so works with
     boost-1.52.0-r5) and
     >>>> Nightshade LSS (for planetarium but not in portage) needs boost
     < 1.5
     >>>> (so works with 1.49.0-r2).
     >>>> Is it possible to install both 1.49 and 1.52 (in new slot) ?

     update Nightshade to work with boost 1.52 is the only way to go.
I already tried that, but Nightshade doesn't compile with boost-1.52... :-((

I could rant about the stupidity that is boost and/or packages that
depend on it for some time but Flameeyes does a far better job at that.

I wonder what the view on bundled boost headers is with Gentoo devs. I'm currently working on a project where I need boost, and now I'm thinking about using BCP (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/tools/bcp) to bundle what I need within the project. At least this would guarantee that the package wouldn't be affected by this issue.

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