On 03/02/2013 14:30, Michael Hampicke wrote:
> Am 03.02.2013 12:51, schrieb Alan McKinnon:
>> Test driving this newfangled thunderbird thingy, trying to create the
>> last of my several accounts.
>> This account does not need SMTP settings, i never send from it.
>> But the create Account Wizard insists on trying to validate passwords
>> and every setting other under the sun.
>> How do I get Thunderbird to act like software and not assume it know
>> better than I do?
>> All I want is for it to accept what I put in the textbox and use it,
>> *and*do*nothing*else.
>> Is there some magic config file where I can bypass the wizard?
> In the account wizzard, just click on manual config, enter all your
> settings, that's all. Just tested it with TB18.

Tried that, TB17 insists on verifying the password and won't continue
until the check passes.

Doesn't this software have a --justdowhatisay option?

It's a frigging email account for deities sake, it won't break things.
It's not launch codes for ICBMs....


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