On 2013-04-21 4:32 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 21/04/2013 20:47, Tanstaafl wrote:
30 20 1 * *     root    rsnapshot -c /etc/rsnapshot/myhost1.conf monthly
20 20 1 * *     root    rsnapshot -c /etc/rsnapshot/myhost1.conf yearly

Only the last line is wrong - your monthly and yearly are equivalent.To
be properly yearly, you need a month value in field 4.

Oh, right (I added that interval myself, rsnapshot only comes with the hourly, daily weekly and monthly by default).

So, if I wanted it to run at 8:20pm on Dec 31, it would be:

20 22 31 12 *  root    rsnapshot -c /etc/rsnapshot/myhost1.conf yearly

I'm not familiar with rsnapshot, I assume that package can deal with how
many of each type of snapshot to retain in it's conf file? I see no
crons to delete out of date snapshots.

Correct, rsnapshot handles this.

And, more as a nitpick than anything else, I always recommend that when
a sysadmin adds a root cronjob, use crontab -e so it goes in
/var/spool/cron, not /etc/crontab. Two benefits:

- syntax checking when you save and quit
- if you let portage, package managers, chef, puppet or whatever manage
your global cronjobs in /etc/portage, then there's no danger that system
will trash the stuff that you added there manually.

I prefer doing things manually... so, nothing else manages my cron jobs.

That said, I prefer to do this 'the gentoo way'... so is crontab -e the gentoo way?


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