Nikos Chantziaras <> wrote:

> > But please first explain what "option" you are talking about.
> An option to forcibly enable and disable support.  If enabled, the build 
> system assumes the library is there.  If disabled, it assumes the 
> library is not there (even if it is).  If not given at all, do 
> autodetection.

This may be an option for things that really are optional.

Libcap however is not something optional but needed to support a basic security 

> One thing I've learned in software development is that "the user knows 
> best."  If the user has the library installed, he should still be able 
> to tell you "yes, I have that lib, but I don't want you to use it", and 
> vice versa.

As mentioned above, we are talking about a library to support basic security 
features, so the code from that library would really belong into libc. Since 
Linux now by default supports fcaps in the filesystems, cdrecord would open 
a security hole if the library was not used - without that library, cdrecord
cannot even see that is has been called with additional privileges that need
to be removed before the main code is executed.

Do you really like to go into a security risk with your eyes open?


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