> If I replace
> the pixie emerged by portage does that mess up anything as far as
> portage is concerned?

Well, other than if an upgrade comes through emerge --update world would try
to overwrite what you install.

Otherwise portage will think it's in there.

> I have one more dumb question.  What man page do I read to understand
> how to use LDFLAGS?  I was thinking this was a variable in make.conf
> however I just read the man page for make.conf and I see that it is not
> documented there.  Also looked around at gentoo.org documentation, but
> didn't find anything that helps yet.

LDFLAGS typically come in the -llib and -Lpath variety and are used to
ensure that additional libraries and paths are included in the link phase.
You typically won't need to add these (which is probably why there is little
if any reference in the gentoo doc).

Obviously there are more uses for LDFLAGS, but those above are used the

If you do need them you can set up your environment variables before doing
the make process.  You can also use them on the command line ala
"LDFLAGS=-llib make", etc.

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