On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 07:48:12AM +0200, J. Roeleveld wrote
> On Tue, June 18, 2013 17:00, Joseph wrote:
> > Every time I compile a package I get a message:
> >
> > sendmail: warning: inet_protocols: disabling IPv6 name/address support:
> > Address family not supported by protocol
> >
> > What is it looking for?
> Do you have IPV6 enabled in your kernel and for the network interfaces?
> Simple and quick way to check, do you see IPV6-addresses when you type
> "ifconfig -a" in a console?
> I get this warning for all services that have IPV6 support on systems that
> don't have IPV6 enabled.

  A few years ago the developers, "in their infinite wisdom", decided to
enable the ipv6 USE flag by default.  I found out "the hard way", when
internet-enabled apps like Firefox sat there, spinning their wheels for
a minute, before timing out the IPV6 lookup and falling back to IPV4.
Since then, I have always done a --pretend update run and check the
output, before doing the real update.  And I've switched to beginning my
USE variable with "-*".

  There is the option of setting USE="-ipv6" the more timid users.  I
don't understand the point of defaulting to IPV6.  The vast majority of
Gentoo users probably still run IPV4-only.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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