On 9 July 2013, at 18:28, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> ...
> receiving incremental file list
> timestamp.chk
> rsync: failed to set permissions on "/tmp/.tmpNBwK63.n6Acda": Function not 
> implemented (38)

I can't say the problem is related to xattrs, but when posting an error with a 
message like this you need to demonstrate, for example, that the /tmp directory 
exists and that you can write to it.

I mean, it's pretty obvious that you'd get this error if the directory wasn't 
writable, right?

So posting here you need to *show* it's writable.

So please post the output of:

  ls -ld /tmp/
  ls -l /tmp/
  touch /tmp/foobar123
  chmod 777 /tmp/foobar123
  ls -l /tmp/foobar123
  rm -v /tmp/foobar123

I would also try testing whether you can sync using the `emerge --sync` 
command, instead.

I would guess that you're escalating to root permissions when using emerge and 
that the eix user has insufficient write permissions for some reason.

No offence, mate, but a Gentoo user shouldn't need to be told this. You surely 
have a couple of years of Linux experience, so you know how to create and list 
a file; even if you don't know the `chmod` command, you must know what 
permissions are and that they sometimes prevent an unprivileged user from doing 
stuff. Aren't you even curious to know if the /tmp directory exists? Page 1 of 
"How to Ask Questions The Smart Way" says to tell us what you've done to 
investigate the problem so far. I can't promise that the steps I've suggested 
will help identify or fix the problem, but they definitely need doing to show 
the filesystem exists and doesn't have a write-protect switch accidentally 
flipped - failure to provide this information implies you're sitting helplessly 
at home waiting for us to tell you all the answers, even the basics. 


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