Bruce Hill wrote:
On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 08:34:27PM -0500, Dale wrote:
Stop using disk and build in RAM:

tmpfs           /var/tmp/portage        tmpfs           size=7000M,nr_inodes=1M 
                0 0
tmpfs           /dev/shm                tmpfs           nodev,nosuid,noexec     
0 0

workstation ~ # free -m
               total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         15798       3711      12087          0          0        937
-/+ buffers/cache:       2772      13025
Swap:         8103          0       8103
He may not have enough to do that tho.  Some folks only have 4Gbs or
less still.  That won't be enough for LOo.  Heck, my 16Gbs wasn't enough
at one time.  I had to either let it be on HDD or set it to a higher
amount than the default half.

I also tested the time difference once before, it didn't really make
much difference.  It just saves wear on a drive is all.

If 16GB of RAM wasn't enough, ydiw. I've used that line of 7G forever, and run
app-office/libreoffice, as well as firefox and some other big app (forget it's
name) and _never_ had a problem.

Well, a while back, OOo and LOo wanted more than 8Gbs. It wasn't my need but what portage looked for. Then someone did some changes and reduced that need and it worked. From my understanding, there was some code clean up that helped in that. I think it looks for 6Gbs now. From the ebuild:


It used to be more than that. If it didn't have enough, it stopped. Even when I would override that setting, it would still run out of space more often than not. As a matter of fact, I still have the command in my freq used commands file that I used to fix it:

mount -t tmpfs -o size=12g tmpfs /var/tmp/portage


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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