On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:40:28AM +0400, Pavel Volkov wrote:
> I have recently installed BIND as a recursive resolver for local network.
> I'll explain my configuration. There's a network with hosts binded to
> example.org domain, like host1.example.org, host2.example.org etc.
> They make DNS query through recursive server A.
> Authoritative server for example.org domain is server B and it's totally
> unrelated.
> Below is an example of what I'd like to accomplish.
> 1. When the outside make a DNS query for host1.example.org, it should only
> receive its AAAA record 2001:db8:a::1.
> 2. When host2 queries server A for host1.example.com, server A should
> return the same 2001:db8:a::1 AAAA record (resolved through authoritative
> server) and also inject A record into the reply.
> How can I setup BIND on server A to make it happen?

Sounds like you want the BIND views functionality:
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