On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 5:46 AM, Michael Hampicke <m...@hadt.biz> wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> currently I am migrating some servers to systemd, and I am wondering
> what's the best way to set up static networking. Until now, I always
> used dhcp + networkmanager (workstations, laptops).
> Some suggested creating your own network unit and manually start
> ifconfig/route or ip via ExecStart, some suggested Arch's netctl which
> seems to support static addresses and brings a systemd unit file.
> At the moment, following the KISS principle, I tend to a customized unit
> file.
> What do you use - and what are the benefits of your method?

I use the following unit in one of my servers:

Description=Static network service

ExecStart=/bin/ifconfig <DEVICE> <IP> broadcast <BCAST> netmask <NETMASK> up
ExecStart=/bin/route add default gw <GW> <DEVICE>

Obviously, change the necessary parameters.

The benefit is that it doesn't get any more simple, I believe. If DHCP
is available and I don't want to use NetworkManager, I use the
following unit:

Description=DHCP on %I

ExecStartPre=/bin/ifconfig %I up
ExecStart=/sbin/dhcpcd -B %I


You can then enable the unit with:

systemctl enable dhcpcd@DEV.service

where DEV is enp0s0, or whatever funny name udev gives to your network
card. I think I got the unit from Arch, or maybe I wrote; I honestly
don't remember.

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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