2013/8/3 Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com>:
> Hehe, alright, now we're talking.... that reduced dependancies to just
> 1 lonesome cpio.
> Now, is it reasonable to install that way?  Will I run into some
> horrible unsightly mess using git, when installed this way.

IIRC you only have to do USE="-perl" and most dependencies will be
gone... I distantly recall the last time I installed git on one of my
server nodes most packages pulled in was in the form virtual/perl-*
and perl-*/*, i.e. CPAN packages.

However, according to the ebuild, you need USE="perl" set if you want
to enable subversion support or something funnier like CGI, so you'd
probably have to consider this whole thing a little bit more before
drawing your conclusion...

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