On 08/11/13 01:16, Daniel Frey wrote:
On 08/10/2013 09:27 AM, Andrew Lowe wrote:
Hi all,
     As per usual an update of Libre Office is failing and causing all
sorts of build troubles. I have an install, the previous version,  of
Libre Office working so how do I stop portage from trying to update to
the latest.

[ebuild     UD ] app-office/libreoffice- []

What do I have to fiddle so that portage won't want to upgrade
libreoffice? This is stopping my "-NuD world" from completing so I need
to suppress libreoffice for the time being and come back to it later.

     Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,


You can use the --exclude parameter (I think?) and it will ignore it for
the one command, then after everything is updated you can solve it
further. Try:

emerge --exclude app-office/libreoffice -NuD world

This is not a permanent change but it will allow you to complete your
update, then you can set the masking afterwards.


It worked. Thanks. Now to get this all sorted out and Libre Office to build at leisure.


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