On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Mark David Dumlao <madum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 7:21 AM, Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera
> (klondike) <klond...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>>> Ohh and BTW, /usr was not just added because someone added a harddrive,
>>>> in most cases it was used to allow machines contain a very small system
>>>> on / which was enough to just boot and mount a networked system (/usr)
>>>> containing most of the software. This allowed for cheaper deployment of
>>>> machines since the hard drive could be smaller as it wouldn't need to
>>>> have all the data locally. Yeah, if this sounds familiar is because this
>>>> was later moved to initramfs.
>>> no, network'ed file systems came a lot later.
>>> Initially /usr was added because one harddisk was full. Really, that is
>>> the whole reason for its (broken) existance.
>> Please provide some reference about "Initially /usr was added because
>> one harddisk was full." without it your statement is moot to me.
> http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/busybox/2010-December/074114.html

Bell Labs notes on Unix. Search for "usr" and you'll notice it was originally
for home directories.


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