On 10/03/2013 04:28 PM, Kerin Millar wrote:
> The iptables runscript is ideal for persisting the rules. However, 
> during the initial construction of a non-trivial ruleset, I prefer to 
> write a script that adds the rules. An elegant way of doing this is to 
> use iptables-restore with a heredoc. The method - and its advantages - 
> are described in this document (section 3):
> http://inai.de/documents/Perfect_Ruleset.pdf

This advice is dubious in my opinion. The `iptables` command line is the
published interface to iptables. The iptables-restore syntax is an
implementation detail, subject to change at any time.

Here are his arguments:

1. Calling iptables repeatedly is slow.

Who cares? How often do you invoke the script? Once or twice a year
when you change it.

2. There is an opportunity for someone to bypass the rules between
   dropping/recreating them.

Again, you run the script once or twice a year. Turn off the interface
beforehand if a few microseconds per year is too long to run without a

And my counterarguments:

1. The iptables-restore syntax is uglier and harder to read.

2. You get better error reporting calling iptables repeatedly.

3. The published interface will never change; iptables-restore reads an
input language whose specification is "whatever iptables-save outputs."

4. A bash script is far more standard and less confusing to your coworkers.

5. You can't script iptables-restore! What if you want to call sed, cut,
or grep on something and pass that to iptables? You can write a bash
script that writes an iptables-restore script to accomplish the same
thing, but how much complexity are you willing to add for next to no

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