On Sun, Oct 27 2013, Mike Gilbert wrote:

> Making things "just work" is complex when trying to juggle 6 or more
> supported versions/implementations of python.


> We have tried to explain the magic make.conf lines in the Python user guide.
> https://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/Python/python-r1/user-guide.xml
> We also try to make sure that most users never have to touch
> PYTHON_TARGETS, etc; the default values provided by your profile are
> set up to allow *stable* python2.7 and python3.2 to work properly.

> ~arch users are expected to read the docs. ^_^

I am a ~amd64 user and I just read the user-guide. :-)
I do not see any action items for my system; but do see a large number
of reinstalls proposed by emerge

I do not change any python variables in make.conf so emerge --info shows
PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_2"

a recursive grep -i for python in /etc/portage yields only
./package.use/imaging-pillow:5:virtual/python-imaging -python_targets_python3_2

So I basically have the default except for the imaging/pillow business.

I note that update world wants to rebuild a bunch of packages (the
entire output is below).  Some are qt-related others involve

Does this mean that I can let the 44 packages / 38 reinstalls update occur
and expect a running system to result?  It is unusual, but I realize not
unprecedented, to have so many reinstalls and I would like to confirm
that this is expected.


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