On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 08:22:39AM -0500, Bruce Hill wrote
> Last night my laptop began having two problems.
> First, when I paste with middle-click of the mouse into Firefox, there is no
> output on the screen for about 2-3 seconds. In Libreoffice it takes about
> 7-8s, and then the mouse cursor doesn't change from the I-beam back to the
> pointer for another 2s or so. Pasting into urvxt seems instantaneous, although
> last night I did have some issues with a tab or urxvt where I had ssh'ed into
> a server running irssi in screen -- the backspace key seemed to be stuck, but
> that stopped after I did a ^A^D and then "screen -dx 17169.pts-3.server".

  Run a "top" session, and see what's eating cpu/memory.

> Second, there is an image from Workspace 1 showing up on top of the app
> running in Workspace 2.

  Are you running an Nvidia video card with their proprietary driver?
Youtube, even static/paused Youtube images would cause that on such a
setup I once had.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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