I'm getting rather annoyed with Firefox.  I don't want to get into
that flamewar right now.  I'm trying to migrate to UZBL.  The latest git
version is a lot better than the stale stable version.  The uzbl-9999
ebuild is broken (yes, I've filed a bug), so I pull directly from git
and build and install to ~/.local.  It's a steep learning curve, and
I've gradually resolved almost every issue.  The last reason to have
Firefox or Opera hanging around is Flash.  I subscribe to NHL GameCenter
Live and Live365.com, so Flash functionality is mandatory for me.

  The git version of UZBL requires a recent version of webkit, which
requires gtk3.  Flash is a gtk2 program, so it doesn't work.  I've heard
that the 2 options are...
1) Running Flash in nspluginwrapper
2) Using Gnash to replace Flash

  How are people's experiences with the 2 options above?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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