
On Fri, 01 Nov 2013 22:40:15 +0200 Alan McKinnon
<alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thsi is not the first time you ask the question "Why does package X
> need to be rebuilt?" Every time you want to know this, run emerge
> again with the -t option, it shows the dependency tree and that shows
> you why the package is being rebuilt.

Yes that's right & I'm sorry that I nerve. Maybe i change to Arch, i has
installed on other Netbook and run without Problems and for a binary 
System is fast. 

> In this specific case, it's poppler.
> Poppler is the second most annoying package in the universe (first is
> icu). The way it is coded and built, every tiny little change seems to
> cause API/ABI changes and means that everything using it must be
> rebuilt. What uses poppler? Almost everything that tries to deal with
> pdf, and that is half of app-text and app-office. That's just how it
> is.
> Look in the ebuilds for libreoffice, inkscape and xournal. Each one of
> them has a DEPEND something like this:
>         >=app-text/poppler-0.16:=[xpdf-headers(+),cxx]

Yes i have see that and has find out that poppler is the problem.

> Notice the ":=" in there, that's a sub-slot operator and it triggers a
> rebuild of libreoffice everytime poppler is upgraded. Your emerge
> output shows that poppler is to be upgraded and that's why
> libreoffice now needs to be upgraded too. If you don't upgrade it, it
> might be broken (or maybe not, it's almost impossible to tell). Dont
> blame libreoffice, blame the poppler devs and tell them to get their
> act together and stop changing stuff every other day.

I has run libreoffice without problems, but i not use the pdf function
in libreoffice. I write and print :) . I deal at moment with Abiword and
Gnumeric. I think its enough so that i should delete libreoffice. Then
only Webkit of GTK, QT and GCC which need more as one hour. 

> You also need to deal with this.
> You masked libreoffice- but it's also still installed. That is
> inconsistent; either unmask it and rebuild or leave it masked and
> downgrade.

Yes i mask bigger package when i saw in @world and not see why should run 
upgrade. I know Gentoo is rolling release, but in some things must not really
be or? 

Thanks for teaching about poppler. I not know thats so important. And what do 
ICU? Its language files or? 

So again im sorry i nerve i know, but thats we can say so: Social Contacts
important :) 

I find funny because the bigger Programs or important Stuff like kernel has
never and in panic, and so small program like poppler make panic. When someone
say size is important, hhh they not know what they say. 

Thank you & Greetings

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