Ok, looking into this now...

Reading the referenced wiki page shows this comment:

Introduction and bootloader configuration

To create an initramfs, it is important that you know what
additional drivers, scripts and tools you need to boot your system.
For instance, if you use LVM, then you will need to support LVM tools
on the initramfs. Likewise, if you use software RAID, you need mdadm,

I thought I'd mentioned/asked this before, but don't recall a satisfactory answer...

Ok, up until now, I haven't *had* to 'know' what additional drivers are needed by my system to boot.

So... how the heck am I supposed to find out? Trial and error?

I do know I need lvm, so have that one listed... but what else? There has *got* to be some kind of way to analyze an existing system to reveal the 'drivers, scripts and tools' I need for my initramfs so I know what to include?

And how to do this should be *fully* covered in that wiki page.

I really feel like I'm being thrown to the wolves here.

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