Sorry for earlier mis-send.

I send the article again.
I'm going to build and install llvm and clang packages in my "Linux" PC as
1. Binaries of llvm and claag installed finally were compiled by clang.
2. The binaries of 1. depend on instead of
3. was installed by portage.
4. The binaries of llvm, clang, and are not linked with libgcc.
   If linkage with libraries like libgcc is necessary, compiler_rt is linked.

Checking the ebuilds of llvm, I found

in DEPEND. But from the comment of revision, append libcxx in
dependency is for freebsd.

I want to ask

I. Building packages described above can be created using ebuilds in
main repository in linux?
II. if I. is not possible, any ebuild of llvm and clang exists anywhere?

If ebuilds that fill II. are not exist, I will to try create such ebuilds.

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