On Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013, 00:42:06 Alan McKinnon wrote:

> What column in htop shows that number?
> top, htop, and all their friends do not display what most people assume
> they display. Modern OSes (for more than a decade now) manage memory in
> a way that makes it impossible to answer "how much memory is this app
> using?"
> If you are looking at the VIRT column, just ignore it, that column is
> practically useless for most rational viewings of {h,}top

I know, the VIRT column shows the size of the virtual adress space of the 
process, and this has nothing to do with the real, physical amount of memory 

The RES column shows the resident memory, i.e. those pages actually in use and 
kept in memory, exclusive those pages swapped out. This column shows currently 
1185M (after rebooting this morning)

Best regards

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