On 06/01/2014 21:53, cov...@ccs.covici.com wrote:
>> Instead, add that echo statement to a file in /etc/local.d/ and add the
>> > local service to your default runlevel. It will tweak the
>> > max_user_instances knob for you when it runs, same with all such local
>> > knob fiddling you do to optimize performance.
>> > 
>> > I think overall this is better than hacking around in dovecot's start-up
>> > script (a rather unsuitable place for it imho)
> I put such a thing in /etc/sysctl.conf like this -- I don't have
> dovecot, but I needed it for crashplan
> fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1000000
> or whatever value suits.

/me bangs head

Yes of course, that is a better solution for things with a sysctl.

I look at the echo statement and it writes to something in /proc
My brain said it writes to something in /sys

Now, where do I leave those memory-booster pills for old people again?

Alan McKinnon

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