On 2014-02-05, J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:
> On 4 February 2014 22:27:03 CET, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>>Are the VLAN configuration docs up to date?
>>The reason I ask is that the Gentoo docs talk about using vconfig,
>>while other distros have dropped vconfig and now use the ip2route 
>>packages 'ip' command instead:
>>Does Gentoo not have issues with udev trying to automagically rename
>>vlan network interfaces as described in the Arch Linux page?

> I disabled the udev device name randomizer to ensure I keep the eth*
> names. (I use bonding for the interfaces, don't care about the names
> as long as they all end up in the same bond)

Rather than bond them together, I'm going to use them as separate
interfaces.  I'm looking for a way to have 8 to 16 Ethernet interfaces
on some cheap old desktop machines. Connecting the motherboard
Ethernet interface to an external managed VLAN switch seems like the
way to go. So I do care what the names are -- we'll see what tricks
udev tries to play.

> For the VLANs, I used the examples in the net.example file in the
> document folder. It's somewhere in /usr/doc/net..../ (I think. No
> access to a gentoo install atm)

Ah, found it:


> I think the documentation you pointed at is out-of-date as I don't
> have to do it like that.

Thanks, that's what I suspected.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! ... I want FORTY-TWO
                                  at               TRYNEL FLOATATION SYSTEMS
                              gmail.com            installed within SIX AND A
                                                   HALF HOURS!!!

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