On Tue, 4 Mar 2014 21:26:27 +0000 (UTC), Grant Edwards
<grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2014-03-04, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You need a running OS to install an OS. You get this anywhere you
> > choose but the easiest is to boot from a removeable media (CD, USB,
> > etc).
> Booting the Gentoo minimal install "CD" (from CD/DVD or USB flash
> drive) is the canonical way to get to the point where you start
> following the steps in the handbook.  On one recent install, I used
> systemrescuecd 4.xx, which gives you a nice minimal XFCE desktop with
> the Midori web browser you can use to read the handbook (and wander
> around the web while stuff builds).  There was one step -- installing
> syslog-ng, I think -- where there was a glitch due to an environment
> variable set by srcd.
> Immediately after doing the "chroot" do the following command
> # export path=
> See below for more details
>  http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-921678-start-0.html
>  http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-786386.html

Gentoo used to have a page[1] documenting the required
deviations from the handbook to install from an arbitrary recent-glibc
linux environment. Now it redirects to a wiki page[2] with roughly
similar content.

When installing from media other than the official gentoo minimal
install cd, you should refer to the section currently labelled
"Installation from non-Gentoo LiveCDs" in [2] to avoid surprises. In
particular, I have several times seen people run into problems due to
not properly adapting the instructions on mounting (thus
missing /dev/pts in the chroot) and cleaning the environment prior to
chrooting (thus ending up with incomplete PATH or having various
variables set that break the build systems for packages bundling

(Sorry for arrogantly repeating some of the information you provided,
but since forums and mailing list entries get archived and are
searchable "forever" and are not updated, I feel it is prudent to
provide pointers to resources that have a greater chance of staying

1: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/altinstall.xml
2: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Installation_alternatives


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