he guys. I'm having trouble compiling  glibc. No matter I tried  with
binutils  2.23 2.24. or -9999 live  version,  I got   ld internal  error
in   x86_64_relocation  . And the same error repeated with  glibc-2.18 and
glibc-2.19 .

Don't  know  why . The  google  bring me a  old  bug report about
x86_64_relocation  internal  error  when used  conjunction with  IFUNC, but
that doesn't seems to be related with  mine problem.

When I  first try to update  glibc to  2.18,  it's fine. but then the
attempt to update  glibc to  2.18-r1  failed  with  ld  internal  error.
This  error  remains with   glibc-2.16-r2 and  glibc-2.19, regardless of
binutils  version.

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