On 03/11/2014 01:46 PM, James wrote:
> hello,
> Last time I researched a gentoo hardened environment, it
> called for the default of Python to still be series 2 of the
> software. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with
> a "Hardened Gentoo workstation" that was using python 3
> exclusively? 
> Some various  other packages still using python 2, but which are not
> formally part of a Hardened Gentoo system, are not of great concern to me.
> curiously,
> James
The SELinux libraries for Python only exist for Python 2. Without them,
Portage will be unable to e.g. load policy and set file context. You can
have Python 3 installed, and it can be the default interpreter if
sys-apps/portage was built with USE=python2, but you cannot have *only*
Python 3.


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