Pavel Volkov <negaipub <at>> writes:

> This is what I saw during last emerge of ca-certificates:
> What is the meaning of the message and how should I deal with it?


But, here is what I did. I just re-emerge ca-certificates:

 emerge -1 ca-certificates

Here are the simple insttuctions I received:

>>> Installing (1 of 1) app-misc/ca-certificates-20130906
 * Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/4597689c.0
 * Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/b097d71d.0
 * Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/656b3e35.0
 * Broken symlink for a certificate at /etc/ssl/certs/9818ca0b.0
 * You MUST remove the above broken symlinks
 * Otherwise any SSL validation that use the directory may fail!
 * To batch-remove them, run:
 * find -L /etc/ssl/certs/ -type l -exec rm {} +
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

Seems pretty straightforward to me......


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