I have found an add-in for gimp called GAP (animation).  It is a zipped tar
file.  How can I add this to my gentoo install?

Well, if you're referring to the one from www.gimp.org, the zipped tarball is a source distribution, and you would just need to process it as you would a standard source tarball.

Forgive me if you knew this, but basically the steps are:

1. extract the tarball contents.
2. run the configure script (./configure from the directory). According to the INSTALL file, it should be able to guess the correct locations to install the gimp plugins, but if you need to specify something directly I'm sure there's an argument for configurer to take care of it.
3. build the thing (make).
4. Switch to root and install (make install).

(I'm not sure why it wasn't on portage, but, being fairly new to gentoo, I
can't imagine what has to be done to a package to declare it

Not everything makes it into portage; it's mostly based on how widely-used a package is. If this one is used little, that would explain why it is not in portage.

Not that I've done it, but it is possible to build your own ebuild files; there are specific gentoo developer tools to assist in doing this.

But I wouldn't go through all of that hassle; just follow the build/install steps as previously listed and you should be golden.

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