On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 06:13:27AM +0200, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote

> > Before I
> > send off my dead machine to the re-cycling centre, would a Radeon 7000
> > be better supported?  I can pull that card from the dead machine and try
> > it out.
> you should definitely try it.
> The elderly radeon cards are more or less well supported.
>  I don't had ATi cards since I sold my Xpert2000 some years ago, BUT when I 
> remember right the articles I read, the Radeon7000 (up to 9200, but ATI users 
> can say more about this) should be very well supported by the dri/gatos 
> drivers.

  No luck.  I don't know how they managed to do it, but I'd can't see
any way of getting the video card out without at least taking off the
cpu cooler, if not the actual cpu itself.  Another thing that hadn't
occured to me before is that the dead machine (ATI Radeon 700) and my
6-year-old emergency backup PIII (ATI Rage Pro, actually a Mach64 chip)
are both AGP cards, but the Radeon X300 is PCI-Express, so the slots are
probably different.

  Strange, but true.  I can get the Radeon 7000 into my 6-year-old Dell's
AGP slot, but I can't get the old Rage Pro into the newer dead machine's
AGP slot, not that it matters.  Oh well, at least my 6-year-old Dell
emergency backup has now been upgraded from an 8 megabyte RagePro to a
32 megabyte Radeon 7000.

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