On Tue, 15 April 2014, at 2:06 am, Dutch Ingraham <s...@gmx.us> wrote:

> …  The error message I'm getting at the make install
> command is:
> "Error - foomatic-rip is not installed!
> Install foomatic packages for your OS
> make [install test] Error 1"
> …
> To stay out of TL;DR territory, a short list of what I have checked so far:
> - re-installed cups, cups-filters, foomatic-db, and foomatic-db-engine,
> with the same use flags on both working and non-working installs;
> - removed the foo2zjs package and re-downloaded and compiled from scratch;

I assume that one of these foo* packages supplies the foomatic-rip command, and 
that you can run foomatic-rip manually?

A quick grep of /usr/portage/net-print/ suggests the foomatic-filters package 
may be the one, but I wouldn't swear to it.


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