On 04/16/2014 09:14 AM, Alexander Kapshuk wrote:
> The new driver's been running OK so far.
> Playing videos via vlc/mplayer seems to run smooth.
> Some youtube videos are a bit choppy, and/or delayed though. Not sure if
> it's the nouveau driver to blame or the fact that I've got 1 Gb of RAM
> onboard.

It may be from the RAM/CPU if the video is high-resolution. Nouveau
still has to do a lot of things in software that the proprietary driver
does in hardware. If sys-process/htop shows 100% CPU or RAM usage,
that's probably it. To rule out the network you can try net-misc/youtube-dl.

> Should I have enabled the nouveau USE flag globally in make.conf like I
> previously did for nvidia, or is that not necessary?

Not necessary (there's no nouveau USE flags at the moment).

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