Le Thu, 1 May 2014 21:06:16 -0700,
Chris Stankevitz <chrisstankev...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Does this say "if you want to use opencl then you have to say that you
> are using a radeon graphics card, even if you are not using a radeon
> graphics card"

I know for sure that mesa doesn't fully support opencl for amd video
card (http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/GalliumCompute/). Since they
are not even cited, maybe it doesn't support opencl at all for
nvidia/intel. If you're gonna use gpgpu, I suggest you switch to the
proprietary drivers for the time being.
Btw, if you intend to try the intel sdk for opencl, it actually
computes on the cpu, not the integrated graphics.


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