On Sat, 10 Sep 2005 22:30:28 +0200, Frank Schafer wrote:

> > Why does the OP think it is part of the base system?

> That's a very good question. Having a look at the default USE flags we
> can see, that:
> emboss 
> Adds support for the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
> is part of the base system too ;)
> Well, I have "-emboss" amongst my USE flags in make.conf. I'm not a
> biologist.

That's nothing to do with the base system, which is the list of packages
installed by "emerge system". It's just a default setting for a USE
flag, which sounds like it won't affect 99% of users anyway. 

Neil Bothwick

Top Oxymorons Number 15: Extinct Life

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