On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm having a problem starting the USB network interfaces properly on
>>>>>>> one of my systems.  I brought the problem to the udev list and they're
>>>>>>> indicating that it's a Gentoo problem:
>>>>>>> https://www.mail-archive.com/systemd-devel@lists.freedesktop.org/msg18840.html
>>>>>>> Should I file a bug?
>>>>>>> - Grant
>>>>>> Like pointed out in the upstream thread, it's either wrongly built
>>>>>> net-misc/dhcpcd (should be with USE="udev")
>>>>>> and if not using dhcpcd, it might be a bug in net-misc/netifrc's
>>>>>> /etc/init.d/net.lo depend() { } section --
>>>>>> it's possible it's missing dependency that forces /etc/init.d/udev start
>>>>>> first, specially if OpenRC is using parallel
>>>>>> startup
>>>>>> So not really a udev bug, rather a misconfiguration in dhcpcd USE flags
>>>>>> OR bug in dependencies of netifrc's net.lo script
>>>>> I'm starting two interfaces, one that uses dhcpcd and one that does
>>>>> not.  Both fail to start in the default runlevel until they are
>>>>> hotplugged later.  I do have dhcpcd built with USE=udev.  The string
>>>>> "udev" does not occur in /etc/init.d/net.lo so maybe that's the
>>>>> problem?  Please confirm that I should file a Gentoo bug for this.
>>>>> - Grant
>>>> Try adding 'after udev' to net.lo's depend() { } section and see if that
>>>> helps, if it does, file a bug
>>>> saying so.
>>> I added it like this and rebooted:
>>> depend()
>>> {
>>>         after udev
>>> but the result was the same.  I also have udev and udev-mount in the
>>> sysinit runlevel.
>>>> It was more of an educated guess than 100% accurate knowledge. I can't
>>>> think of an another
>>>> way to force netifrc to behave, since it's not coded in C, and it can't
>>>> link to libudev, so...
>>>> However since you say *both*, even the one with dhcpcd fail to start,
>>>> before filing that bug,
>>>> see if disabling netifrc hotplugging works:
>>>> # ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/90-network.rules
>>> Will that disable interface renaming or hotplugging?  The system with
>>> the issue is remote and if the interfaces aren't renamed or if
>>> hotplugging doesn't happen then I won't be able to access the system
>>> for up to 24 hours.  That's fine and I'm happy to test stuff like this
>>> anyway but I don't think this particular test will be informative
>>> because:
>> It will disable the hotplugging, it means you *must* have the net.*
>> stuff added
>> to the default to runlevel yourself, like eg.
>> # rc-update add net.foooooobar default
> They're in the default runlevel:
> # rc-update|grep net.enp
>       net.enp0s20u2u1 |      default
>       net.enp0s20u2u2 |      default
> I can disable hotplugging with rc_hotplug in rc.conf.  Hotplugging is
> actually disabled by default there and my network interfaces won't
> start automatically that way.

Does your kernel have timing info enabled? If so, it would be
interesting to look at your dmesg output.

My guess is that your kernel is taking a really long time (several
seconds) to initialize your network cards.

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