On Wed, 4 Jun 2014 21:59:18 +0200, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:

> I encrypt my home partition with LUKS and enter a passphrase
> during boot. But I always wanted to get decryption upon login running,
> especially because it would require me to enter one less password. But
> haven’t gotten around to that yet.

Are you the only use of the computer? If so, set your display manager to
auto-login, you have already authenticated yourself by unlocking the home

> > With one notable exception. There is sometimes sensitive information
> > in /etc, like wireless passwords.
> For that reason I put this stuff into /home/etc/$hostname/ (I back up my
> machines’ /etc on all other machines, also to have a reference if I need
> to know “How did I do this on $other_host?”). And then I symlink to
> that from the real location, i.e.:

I used to do that, now I have an encrypted /, which contains the keys for
any other encrypted volumes, so I still only need to enter one password.

Neil Bothwick

Nothing is illegal if one hundred businessmen decide to do it.

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