<meino.cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:

OK, one last trick, that will work with a coax camera.
A coax output camera, can be connected to either
a h.264 encoder/mux (standard industry equipment)
or to a pci card that has external coax inputs. 
You can then put a coax splitter (a mechanical tee)
and run the camera output to 2 differnet computers.
One encodes and records (writes to) the HD, then
other for viewing. Hokey, but we used it to test
the encoding delays of various video surveillance boxes.
Camera's that output h.264 direclty, usually use
a custom encoder that will differ from vendor to vendor.
Vendors do this because each algo, code_block and patent
is managed my the MPLA and vendors engineer what to put
inside of a video camera that outputs h.264 by playing
"what if" with a myriad of offerings directly or indirectly
from software vendors.   

It you can, a video camera with coax outputs is best and you 
can run your own h.264 encoding on a workstation  or a 
stand alone video encoding board.

Probably too much work for your needs, methinks.......

I have threatened to pick up the zoneminder code and fork
it, as have others, but I just dont have the time for that.
It's a large effort to say the least.
A google summer of code genius could/should do that, because
support for h.264 and V8 (media-libs/libvpx) would be very, very
keen, imho added to ZM. V8 is superior to h.264 and is
not patent encumbered.

sorry I'm not more help,

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