On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 12:13 PM, behrouz khosravi
<bz.khosr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So can you please tell me why you have chosen a specific DE and not
> the other options ?

So, this is more why I'm using KDE and not so much why I'm not using
something else.

Things I like about KDE:
1.  Handles USB drive insertions/etc.
2.  ioslaves like fish, smb, and so on.
3.  Love the window manager
4.  Love the configurability, especially with the unified
notification/shortcut configuration design
5.  krunner (more or less - it still feels quirky but I like it)
6.  That dolphin mode that gives you a shell that follows the pwd.
That is just nifty.

Things I don't care about:
1.  All the bundled apps.  I don't use konqueror, koffice, and kdepim
for the most part.  I might use kdepim if I could get it to work with
Google calendar/contacts without needing two-factor on every login.

Things I dislike:
1.  I disable nepomuk and its offspring.

Things I think might be improveable:
1.  The way it handles window grouping.  I dislike a bazillion tabs,
but I don't like the way it does grouping all that much either.  Maybe
I need to better grok activities/etc.

I have run xfce at times.  In particular I used to run it when
accessing my desktop via NX since it was lightweight.  I also used it
exclusively during the early days of kde4, in part because the system
I was running it on was underpowered.

I'm open to other options.  I am not at all wedded to the big kde
apps, so if there is something else that offers more of the utility
side I'm interested.  However, everything about kde just seems so
flexible, it is probably hard to beat for utility.


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