On Saturday, September 13, 2014 09:45:28 PM Hans wrote:
> On 28/08/14 21:45, Joseph wrote:
> > I need to select 500GB or 1TB infernal 2.5in drive, any recommendation
> > (reliability) of the brand.
> > My current WD 320GB fail after 5-years.
> Go Samsung actually made by Samsung in Korea or if you can get Hitachi
> actually made by Hitachi in Japan.  Western Digital and Seagate come out
> of the same plants in Thailand and Indonesia and don't last.

What do you mean with don't last?
I have seen Hitachis die within a year and WDs that lasted more then 10 years.
That is no guarantee that Hitachis are unreliable or WDs are always reliable.

> I had a 14 year old Toshiba Laptop with a Toshiba disk, The disk died
> after 14 month when the warranty has expired.

1 failure 14 years ago is not a reliable result to base your comments on.

> Replaced it with Samsung
> disk. The Laptop was used until very recently 24/7 as mail and web
> server with buld in UPS (battery) until the screen and keyboard died.

A laptop is not designed to run 24/7 and neither are the batteries reliable 
after being constantly charged 24/7. Did you ever test the "ups" 

> The Samsung disk is still alive and well as a plugin backup for the
> replacement Laptop server.

If the new one has a Li-Ion battery, you have a nice fire-hazard....
Hope you have sufficient cooling for the battery, considering you are using it 


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