<meino.cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:

> I want to run programs, which insist on haveing a terminal
> to write their status to and which are writing files which
> their results on a headless computer (beaglebone).
> Is there any neat trick to accomplish what I am trying to do here?

> mcc

Hello meino,

Back when dinosaurs (like me) roamed the halls of academia,
we use to send things out the serial console, to something
like a VT100 "dumb terminal" both the video and the keyboard
would attached to the computer's serial port. You could just
power down the display for weeks at a time, and power it up
to see what activity was currently being piped to the standard

If you can find an old "VT100" or ibm or other brands (can't remember the
names, but dec, HP and many others made them" that will work.

I've also have a home built "serial data analyzer" that plugs
into a serial port, for a blazing 19,200 buad 2 line ascii serial
terminal, but it is buried somewhere in my lab.....

I have even piped things out one seria console l port (on a headless system)
into the serial port of another pc (usually crossing 2 & 3 pins
in some from of a "null modem". In fact at one point I has many serial
ports on one pc brining in console outputs from many headless Sun servers,
for logging. Some "night-mare" I inherited as a graduate student,
back when the gasses where coalescing......

Thanks for the trip down memory lane......


[1] http://www.vanemery.com/Linux/Serial/serial-console.html

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