On Tuesday 30 Sep 2014 11:12:34 meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> For a device (beaglebone black) I am looking for a solution
> of the following problem:
> This little computer boots a fully blown Gentoo linux. It is
> used mostly as headless device (capturing data from attached
> sensors).
> From time to time I want access it via LAN.
> If the device was booted without LAN attached, the configured
> ethernet was not found and dhcpd fails.
> So Gentoo goes into "no LAN"-mode (or something like that).
> Is there a less "waiting for the timeout"-prone way to refresh
> the status of the LAN beside putting the accoring init-script
> into a cron job ???
> Is there a way to check, whether a RJ45 was plugged into the
> device and if so to start init-script then?
> Thank you very much in advance for any help!
> Best regards,
> mcc

Typically used on laptops:

[I] sys-apps/ifplugd
     Available versions:  
            0.28-r9     [doc selinux]
     Installed versions:  0.28-r9(11:14:57 12/18/10)(-doc)
     Homepage:            http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/ifplugd/
     Description:         Brings up/down ethernet ports automatically with 
cable detection


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