On 18/11/14 18:27, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> How can I configure Gentoo on the Arietta board 
> to use ethernet-over-usb  to be started while 
> booting the Arietta board?
> By "replace everything eth0 with usb0" ??? ;)

if you still have emdebian image you can boot that and see which modules
are loaded - that would be a start. a nice dodge is
# find /sys | grep drivers
you can also check everything in "make menuconfig"  under the section 
device drivers\network device support\usb network adaptors 
that everything you _might_ need is selected
there is a chance that the gentoo image has what you need --- what does
"lsusb" show you ? what about "ifconfig -a"
usb ethernet devices have very odd names ... names such as enp0s29u1u2  
so it would be "replace everything eth0 with enp0s29u1u2"

> Thank you very much for any help in advance!
> Best regards,
> Meino

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