On Tue, 25 Nov 2014 17:37:48 +0000 Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:09:08 +0200, Gevisz wrote:
> I do recall that one way of doing it is with UbuntuTweak.

Unity-tweak-tool cant move window buttons to the right in 14.04
as of September 3, 2014:


Here is some quotes:

    mikolajek (mikorutko) wrote on 2014-09-03:

    It looks like the bug is still present.
    I've just installed a fresh 14.04 copy
    together with Unity Tweak Tool 0.0.6
    and even though I select "right" for
    my window controls, they are not moved
    there. After I re-open window properties
    the setting is reverted back to default (Left).

    Iron Davey wrote on 2014-09-04:

    Confirmed as well with an upgrade to 14.04.1.
    This is truly annoying as I use Crossover to
    run many windows applications needed for work, and
    those apps all have the window controls on the right.

    J Phani Mahesh (phanimahesh) wrote on 2014-09-05:   #14

    Hello guys, Sorry, but *this can't be fixed*.

    Ubuntu decided to change the window titlebar behaviour
    in 14.04. So far, i have been unable to find any
    alternative way to change window decoration. I am
    of the opinion it isn't possible.

    If you think it is possible, and are able to successfully
    change the controls in 14.04 and up using any available
    tool/command or any tweak whatsoever, let me know how
    you did it, and I'll figure out a way to do it from UTT again.

The last one is still unanswered.

Epic fail, isn't it?

The Mark Shuttleworth always stated that its goal with Ubuntu
is to replace MS Windows. Now he has already achieved it:
Ubuntu is as unconfigurable as MS Windows. No difference any more.

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