"Poison BL." <poiso...@gmail.com> writes:

> With the understanding that changes between the version it's asking
> for and what you've built on your end (which probably should be done
> with a custom ebuild when it impacts as many things as emacs tends to)
> might well break whatever's trying to use it, you can use
> package.provided to convince portage that whatever dependency it's
> looking for is already in place.

Ahh there is the bit I was fumbling to remember.


OK, so in this case would I tell portage I am providing the emacs
version its pulling in?  ie app-editors/emacs-24.4-r1

  man portage section on package.provided doesn't make it very clear
  what should actually go in there.

  The example for telling portage user will manage 2.6 kernel:

But what portage is asking for is app-editors/emacs-24.4-r1
So I'm guessing to tell portage to not worry about that version or any
newer one:

 Something like: 


If that the proper syntax?

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