On Sat, 17 Sep 2005, gentuxx wrote:

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I've been using my computer for awhile and decided to upgrade to gentoo
2005.1. Since there is nothing important on this system I decide to
install from scratch. I follow the quickinstall howto and reference the
installation manual for 2005.1 and my own notes, as I've installed
perhaps 8 or so gentoo systems.

I'm using the Universal 2005.1 live CDROM.

Everything proceeds well, including installing grub, setting up
grub.conf and running grub-install, and when I'm finished I exit the
chroot environment, umount my root and boot partitions, and reboot.

It fails, with the dreaded message " Disk Boot Failure, Insert System
Disk And Press Enter".

I boot the live CD again, double check my grub.conf file, run
grub-install again, check with fdisk that my boot partition is
and try again. Same result.

I'm mystified. I've been using this computer for developing systems
the past few months and have rebooted it many, many times, with no

I figure it's failing very early if I'm not even getting into grub.

Any ideas? Any suggestions for what to test, inspect, try?


- From my experience, this is typical of a bad disk.  I have a system
that gives the exact same error.  Usually, for me, a reboot solves it,
and it loads the OS.  But I happen to know that my disk is on it's
last legs.  ;-)  If you have another disk lying around, or could get
another one, I would try the install, using the same method you used,
and see if you have the same problem.

- --

Thanks for the idea. As I've said, I've been using this computer pretty
solidly with no indication, but that's not to say it can't happen.

Your suggestion made me look at the BIOS boot stage and I notice that my
hard drive is not reported during the BIOS boot. I have no problems
running fdisk or mounting, but when booting the BIOS does not report it.
What could cause this? Perhaps as you suggest?

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