On 01/31/15 17:57, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:

On 01/31/2015 05:29 PM, Joseph wrote:
When I run "meld" as root I get a strange errors:

what happens when you don't run as root?

GConf Error: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:

Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote
application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy
blocked the reply, the
reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

do you have DBus installed/running? I've been doing a fair amount of
coding with the DBus API for bossman, but sadly I feel no wiser on the
various errors that it throws. The other things I can think of are:

* GConf isn't installed/running
* meld is looking for the session bus of your user, which is not
accessible when running as root (maybe??? Not 100% sure on how session
busses work...)

If you run systemd, DBus is definitely running and I would imagine this
would be a GConf error of some sort. If you're using OpenRC, check to
make sure you have dbus and gconf enabled and running.

"dbus status" show it is running. I don't have gconf. I'm using Xfce and OpenRC

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