150210 Mick wrote:
> Your desktop hasn't.  When the link comes up again nothing kicks in
> to either request an IP address from the DHCP server
> or to self-configure one temporarily.  Either enable IPv4LL
> or install ifplug/netplug to achieve the same end result.
> On Tuesday 10 Feb 2015 22:36:00 Philip Webb wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion, but I still don't know how to proceed.
> If you are using dhcpcd it is enabled by default,
> unless you use -L (-- noipv4ll) in /etc/conf.d/net
> Have you disabled this in your desktop, or are you not using dhcpcd?

Thanks for your patient help (big smile).
AFAICS the config of both machines is the same.
What I have realised (red face) is that while there is a difference,
it is not in resuming the connection after an un/replug,
but in starting Dhcpcd after a reboot :
both machines automatically pick up the connection again after an unplug,
but the netbook starts Dhcpcd automatically after each boot,
whereas the desktop needs to be told to do so via 'dhcpcd'.

I've searched again for something different between the machines
which would explain why one starts Dhcpcd without being told,
but the other doesn't : I can't see any difference.
'grep -r dhcp *' in  /etc  gives the same  2  lines in both machines ;
the netbook's  syslog  shows it starting Dhcpcd immediately after boot,
while the desktop's  syslog  shows nothing till I enter 'dhcpcd'.

IIRC the change happened after the recent update of the netbook,
which I try to keep as close to the desktop system as is possible
(the hardware is different & the netbook doesn't use KDE apps etc).

Can anyone suggest what mb starting Dhcpcd automatically ?
The logs just show it happening & Htop doesn't show it depending on anything.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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